Since established in 1987, CHEIL has accumulated experiences and technologies through retrofitting various machines of motor companies, shipbuilding companies, steel mill factories, and heavy industries.
CHEIL overhauled and upgraded hundreds sets of Roll Grinding Machine for many companies, and those experiences had led CHEIL to have its own brand of Roll Grinding Machine as a manufacturer.

After the technological alliance with Tsunoda Grinding Machine Co., Ltd. (Japan), CHEIL has received passionately the technologies and know-hows about YOMIS™ Roll Grinding Machine. On those technologies, CHEIL has added abundant field experiences of fabrication/renovation of huge production machinery during last 30 years and finally completed MPRO-YOMIS™ Roll Grinding Machine.
MPRO-YOMIS™ Roll Grinding Machine will satisfy customer’s need by its fine performance and enhanced reliability which come from upgraded grinding accuracy, automation, operability, durability and applicable options to the machine.
CHEIL completes MPRO-YOMIS™ Roll Grinding Machine from full design to assembly of all parts, and independently conducts every step from Bed to local-installation. Therefore CHEIL is capable to customize MPRO-YOMIS™ Roll Grinding Machine to all possible needs of customers and also transform it with various options relevant to specific situation of customer’s production line.